The First Time.
Whether you are a business or an individual with too much on their plate, we happily manage your finances, taxes and much more so you can
Focus on Growing.
"The Hardest Thing in the World to Understand is the Income Tax."
"Life is Like Accounting, Everything Must be in Balance."
"Creativity is Great - But Not in Accounting."
"A Fine is a Tax for Doing Wrong, A Tax is a Fine for Doing Well."

Accuracy Guarantee
We commit 110% to each and every client. We aim for accuracy on your taxes, bookkeeping, and payroll.

Grow Your Bottom Line
Our tax professionals help grow your bottom line by identifying every available credit and deduction, while ensuring accuracy in expense reporting.

Specialized in Small Business
Our small business experts can handle anything you can throw at us.
If it's something we have not seen before...we're going to figure it out.

Year-Round Help
Liberty Hill Bookkeeping and Tax Services is available year round so you can focus on your business' future. We are here and ready to help with whatever needs you may have.
What Makes Our Tax Professionals Special?
Our tax pros are experts and experienced in every tax situation. With a constantly growing client base, it is clear that our clients trust us, so much so as to recommend us to their friends, family, and colleagues.
★ Up-to-date on state, federal, and local taxes
★ Specialized training in small business and
individual taxes
★ Year-round access to our professional advice
and assistance